Last night a couple of friends and myself did something enjoyable and relaxing for a change. We went to the Comedy Basement, Jerusalem’s 1st Comedy Theater, for a 4th of July roasting in the place of an outdoor bar-b-q, and instead of beef it was our friend Elazar who was being roasted over a slow burner as friends gathered to give him the ‘what for’. Some preferably forgettable memories were dredged up - some humbling, some humiliating - but all was in good fun and extremely laughable. I mean, Elazar really set himself up as the ‘Joker of the evening’, and didn’t have a choice but to sit on the hot seat and take whatever came his way since the crowd had the door blocked in case he tried a swift exit.
Even the Brit, Gemma Blech, joined in the fray of fun as she took the stage and belted out a memorable song of her youth, “Goliath of Gath”. Everyone absolutely enjoyed it and gave a grand applause as she just celebrated her 73rd birthday.
On the 4th of July, Ms. Brit, Gemma Blech made her debut performance at the Comedy Basement in Jerusalem at the fresh new age of 73 singing "Goliath of Gath". Happy Birthday Gemma!