Monday, October 24, 2011

111021 ULPANA

It is unbelievable that this Jewish neighborhood is to be razed to the ground!
A Neighborhood of Beit El
The area is surrounded by archeological finds that date back to Biblical times, which prove the existence of Jews in the area long before the return in the last couple centuries. One hill is referred to as ‘Sulam Yaakov’ – Jacob’s Ladder. Also, a thousand-year-old Oak Tree stands in the vicinity; three-thousand-year-old wine press has been uncovered from the time of Bayit Rishon. The entire area is loaded with ancient Jewish history.
With all this proof of pre-existing 1948 signs of Jewish life, sadly the Supreme Court endorses what the Arabs claim. We are in a battle here, a struggle for the Land.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Givat Asaf was founded in 2001 and sits off to the side of Highway 60 in the Shomron.
The yishuv is a neighborhood of caravans which was founded in reaction to the murder of
Asaf Hershkovitz, a resident of Ofra at that time.. Three or four months earlier, Asaf’s 
father, Aryeh Hershkovitz, was murdered by Arabs near the same spot. 
The couple, Binyamin & Talia Kahane, were also murdered in the same vicinity.
There are about 28 families living in caravans in Givat Asaf. We met with Rabbi Mordechai Levitz who just moved there and he talked to us about the strategic importance of this location.
What a simple life these Jewish people are satisfied to live! Their only demand has been to politely allow them to obey the commandment of Torah to "possess the Land when you enter", and that demand has been only in the quiet way they live. Now, they have been forced into the limelight of a shadowy atmosphere of political and judicial struggle, an immensely heavy burden for simple G-d loving Jews.