Thursday, June 4, 2009
Rally at American Consulate in Jerusalem
(A beautiful lady with a dynamic personality and a message from the heart. ABi)
My name is Zahava Englard. I made aliyah 3 years ago and I live in the Judean Hills, the heartland of Israel. I have one son in the army and yet another scheduled to go in, in the coming year. And, one thing is for sure, my sons did not come to live in this land and join as proud soldiers of Israel’s Defense Forces in order to carry out President Obama’s destructive policy of chasing out our own people from our own land.
We, the Jewish people, the only legitimate heir to the Land of Israel have but one authority to adhere to. And, the last time I checked, God does not reside at the White House, or at the State Department.
Apparently, President Barak Hussein Obama is looking to make new friends. He is looking to make friends with those among the Arab nations who support, train, finance and harbor terrorists. To this end, General Keith Dayton’s term has been extended in order to train the so-called Palestinian army at the U.S. taxpayer’s expense - an army that will indubitably be used against the Jewish people.
To this end, Obama has concocted a Middle Eastern policy borne out of ignorance and arrogance. Ignorance in not realizing that a policy based on apologetic appeasement is translated by the Arab mentality as a posture of weakness. Arrogance, in thinking that he can persuade Iran to relinquish their nuclear agenda by using his electioneering charisma.
To this end, Obama has surrounded himself with delusional anti Israel protagonists such as the likes of John Zogby, Hillary Clinton, Samantha Powers, Emanuel Rahm, and George Mitchell to name a few.
You can go ahead and try to make new friends President Obama. Moreover, at the expense of your own country’s national security, you can continue to ignore the real threat of global jihad from the very creatures you wish to cultivate as allies while you repudiate and isolate Israel, the only true ally the United States has in the Middle East. But, we promise you this, you will not buy your new friends with Jewish blood.
We the Jewish people have survived and stood up to 2000 years worth of nations, empires and various entities who rose to destroy us. Yet, we have not only survived. Indeed, we have risen out of the ashes of Europe and persevered to return with the help of God to our God given land, to re-establish our sovereignty over this Jewish Land- our Land of Israel. What, President Barack Hussein Obama, makes YOU think that you will succeed in destroying us where others have not. I have three words for you in this respect:
We will not lay down our arms; we will not relinquish our land. Apparently they must have skipped over this little fact in your history class back in Indonesia, and that is, while foreign armies and empires may have ransacked and ravaged the land as they passed through here throughout the ages, we, the nation of Israel, are the only people on this earth to have ever established a sovereign state on this, our Holy Land. The land of Israel in its entirety belongs to the Jewish people alone.
The so-called “Two State Solution” is an oxymoron in and of itself. It has become a code word. A code word used by the U.S. State Department, the European Quartet and the Arab conglomerate of terrorists – as a gentleman’s way (if you will) of begetting the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.
We, the Jewish People of Israel are Jerusalem. We are Haifa, we are Shechem. We are Migron, Judea, Hevron, we are Tel Aviv, we are Takoa, Yitzhar, Maaleh Rechavam, Shdema and we are Kiryat Arbah.
As far as stopping the settlements, President Barak Hussein Obama? NO YOU CAN’T!