FORMER GUSH KATIF RESIDENTS: “It’s time to move on! It’s time to rebuild! Hashem is faithful!”
Whereas men dream lofty dreams and store them in their memory bank, G-d ignites a flame, His vision upon the heart. I guess it might be considered a ‘shiduch b’shamayim’ when the two unite in hope and faith for a better tomorrow.

The foundation stone lay on the ground, the contract read, and the cement poured over the stone as a seal never to be uprooted again.
May Hashem cause His face to shine on the sons and daughters of the new community of Givat Hazon for B’nei Dekalim – the Hill of Vision for the Children of Dekalim. Although it is in the embryo state at this time, there are rays of hope on the horizon for a bright new day.
Congratulations from deep within the hearts of those who love and admire you!

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